Does the Ixcela Nutrition Plan tell you the foods you should and should not eat?

The Ixcela recommendations show you which foods you should consider adding to your diet and which foods you should avoid to improve your gut health.

The Ixcela nutrition recommendations are based on two assessments: your metabolite results and your health questionnaire.

1. Personalized Metabolite-Specific Nutrition Recommendations

The metabolite-specific nutrition recommendations are based on the metabolites in your blood that are found to be too high or too low. Included with the metabolite-specific recommendations is a list of foods and insight into why the recommendation was made. 

Foods included with the metabolite-specific recommendations are based on the dietary preferences the test taker chose in the health questionnaire. Ixcela offers eight dietary preference options: omnivore, dairy-free, gluten-free, nut-free, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, and low FODMAP.

2. Calorie and Macronutrients Recommendations

The calorie and macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates) recommendations are calculated using the information in the member's health questionnaire. Age, weight, height, sex, and activity frequency are used to calculate the number of calories and macronutrients a member needs to reach their body composition goal.